- VI及其属性对话框,基本控件及其使用方法,LabVIEW基本函数,LabVIEW的程序运行结构,LabVIEW的数据结构及内存优化-VI and its Properties dialog box, basic controls and how to use LabVIEW basic functions, the structure of the LabVIEW program is running, LabVIEW data structure and memory optimizatio
- AAQ数据采集卡是基于某焊接工程的数据采集显示软件,可调用exe文件,读取其产生的数据!-AAQ data acquisition card for a welding project-based data acquisition and display software, you can call the exe file, read its data!
- Defines the labview graphical code for the NA 5230 product which is a RF parameter optimization and finds the solution to perform the smith chart characteristics and RF radiation distribution graphs and used as virtual network analyzer which calculat
- Water level indicator...if water is below certain levels it will show and indicator...its like a mobile battery indicator
- 摘 要 针对实现液罐的监测与控制系统,采用下位机:以C52单片机为核心,控制HC-SR04超声波测距模块和DS18B20分别对液面高度和液罐中温度进行测量。上位机:在PC机中通过LabVIEW进行编程,其主要功能为:数字时钟、液罐液位的模拟、波形图、液位超限的报警功能、液位控制的自动和手动模式、以及对数据进行存储。单片机对液位和温度的数据进行采集后,LabVIEW可选择性的使其在面板中进行显示,同时还可发送指令给单片机控制进水阀和出水阀的开闭,也可通过自动模式对液位进行控制。相比于传统控制系统,
- LabVIEW凭借其强大的图形化编程功能以及丰富的内置函数受到广大的测试、自动化工程师的青睐。随着测试项目的日趋多样化,工程师们对于测试界面的要求也越来越高,因此本演示程序主要通过实际的例子给大家在界面设计方面给予一些启示,希望起到抛砖引玉的效果。-LabVIEW favor of the majority of the testing, automation engineers by virtue of its powerful graphical programming capabiliti
- LabVIEW凭借其强大的图形化编程功能以及丰富的内置函数受到广大的测试、自动化工程师的青睐。随着测试项目的日趋多样化,工程师们对于测试界面的要求也越来越高,因此本演示程序主要通过实际的例子给大家在界面设计方面给予一些启示,希望起到抛砖引玉的效果-LabVIEW favor of the majority of the testing, automation engineers by virtue of its powerful graphical programming capabilitie
- 该VI读取TDMS文件,展示读取的原始信号及其FFT,并把它存成wav文件。-The VI reads the the TDMS file shows the original signal and its FFT read and save it as a wav file.
abView 1.3 课后作业
- 1.创建一个 VI 程序,比较两个数, 如果其中一个数大于或等于另一个数,则 LED 点亮。 要求:可以多次操作,直到点退出按钮。 2.创建一个VI程序,该程序完成的功能是:产生一个 0.0 ~10.0 的随机数与10.0相乘,然后通过一个VI子程序将积与100相加后开方,将结果输出显示。 要求:可以多次操作,直到点退出按钮。 3、验证哥德巴赫猜想: 一个充分大的偶数可以表示为两个素数之和 要求:可以多次操作,直到点退出按钮。-1 to c
- 用于声卡采集的信号进行存储,回放,并且能够对其进行滤波等操作-For sound card collection signals for storage, playback, and its filtering operation
- 该程序基于labview2012研发,利用希尔伯特变换实现提取信号的包络。一部分是对AM信号的仿真实验,另一部分是其通用形式,只需拷贝到自己的引用程序中即可。-The program is based on the labview2012 , the use of the Hilbert transform to extract the signal envelope. Part of the AM signal simulation, another part is in its generi
- 研究中我么采用分段的方法对数字音频信号嵌入水印。为便于研 究,以灰度图像为数字水印原始信号经二值化处理后得到水印再嵌入 音频信号的离散变换域中,从而得到嵌入水印的音频信号,其实现过 程原理框图如图1 所示。在水印嵌入的过程主要实现四个阶段的任 务:(1)数据准备与预处理,主要是准备好水印原始图片和待嵌入水印 的音频信号 (2)音频信号分段处理,用于嵌入水印的音频数据部分等 分成(m1*m2)个音频数据段 (3)水印图像降维处理,在此过程灰度图像 水印转化为二值图象,
- 数组训练题目1:建立一个二维数组,求其长度,取出某一个元素,替换某一个元素。-An array of training topics: the establishment of a two-dimensional array, find its length, remove one of the elements to replace one element.
- 仿真信号及其信号的处理和信号的数据采集处理-Simulation signal and its signal processing and signal data acquisition and processing
- Q-learning (Watkins, 1989) is a simple way for agents to learn how to act optimally in controlled Markovian domains. It amounts to an incremental method for dynamic programming which imposes limited computational demands. It works by successively
- 本代码是Labview宝典中的实例,其功能是实现与plc进行串行通信。-This code is an instance of LabVIEW Collection, its function is to achieve serial communication plc.
- 利用LabVIEW 建立了异步电动机的仿真模型,它是利用 LabVIEw 对异步电动机进行仿真的核心,可利用其进行异步电动机的各种仿真研究。 -Using LabVIEW established induction motor simulation model, which is the use of asynchronous motor simulation LabVIEw core asynchronous motors can use its various simulation. I
- 它是利用 LabVIEW对异步电动机进行仿真的核 心,可利用其进行异步电动机的各种仿真研究 ,进行异步电动机的机械特性曲线仿真研究 -It is the use of LabVIEW simulation for asynchronous motor core, can use its various asynchronous motor simulation study for asynchronous motor mechanical characteristic curve sim
- 一个简单的模拟电话按键的声音的输出,以及按键数值的输出的范例,需要自己重新加载声音以及声音的地址-A simple analog telephone keypad sound output, and an example of the output of key values, needs its own voice and sound to reload address
- These programmes are not heavily commented but infact are very simple and intutive to understand the Frequency hopping and related tasks. I have made two files for frequency hopping, one of them is not showing 6 proper impulsive peaks but other progr