- 这是我在EVC下的SOCKET代码,并含有多播代码,感谢网络,我把原本VC下的移植到EVC下的,里面有些地方是需要注意的,请看代码-EVC in the socket code, and includes multicast code for network, I originally under the VC transplanted to the EVC, there is some need to pay attention, take a look at code
- 非持续CSMA 该协议下,用户在发送帧之前,会先侦听信道的状况,如果没有其他站点发送,它就发送。若信道忙,它就等待一个随机的时间后重复以上动作。 对于某一帧而言,信道是否忙,即是看其绝对时间(FRAMETIME*i+dt)的前一帧时内(FRAMETIME*(i-1)+dt ~ FRAMETIME*i+dt)是否存在发送帧。若无则发送,有则等待一随机时间。 -unsustainable under the agreement, users send frames, will first
- 分隙ALOHA: 该协议下,用户在产生帧后总是等到下一帧时开始时才发送,所以,对于结构FrameTime_struct,其m_Frame[i](相对时间)总是为零。发生冲突后同样等待一个随机时间重发。 所以只要满足当前帧时只有一帧发送,就可以发送成功,而不需考虑上一帧时的情况。 -points gap ALOHA : under the agreement, users always have a frame after frame until the next time when
- A group of programmers far smarter than I have been laboring from some time to create a library of utilities to help developers like myself to create better applications. The fruits of that labor is the Enterprise Library from the Patterns & Practice
- vc 源代码Do you speak English I had an amusing experience. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me, I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he got into the car,
- 五子棋源码 ChessWZQ1.0 采用C/S模式编写 客户端和服务器端的交互有class Message中定义,有很好的可扩展性(见 Message 定义) 客户端负责界面维护和收集用户输入的信息,及错误处理 服务器维护各在线用户的基本信息和任意两个对战用户的棋盘信息,动态维护用户列表 鉴于Applet的下载速度太慢,故做成Application 用法: /class/ 1.先运行server.bat 2.再运行client.bat (里面的用户名可以
- ^_^, 这本来就是个非常简单的网路程序,只是演示如何进行UDP的内网穿透而已。本人所作的修改 主要是在测试UDP穿透不同的NAT时为了方便使用而已。因此改动也不大,加了一个函数和几参数, 多打印了原来没有的一些信息,如此而已。看源码吧... 本程序来自互连网,请不要用于商业用途,如涉及版权问题,以我无关。-^ _ ^, it was a very simple procedure network, for just a demonstration of how the UDP n
- 1、在 NT 系统中插、拔网线时,系统栏右下角都会冒出个气泡进行提示。它是怎样实现的呢,其实很简单,如果您感兴趣的话,不妨花几分钟看看我写的这个小程序。 2、特点:不依赖具体协议,直接读取中间层驱动接口,能够实时监控网线是否被插拔、网卡是否被插拔或禁用、流量监控。您可以与 Windows 的作对比,数据信息分毫不差哦。-1, NT system interpolation, pulling network lines, the system will lower right column o
- This application allows any 2 persons on the LAN/Intranet (possibly Internet too) to have video conference. There are several video conference applications existing today. Each has its own performance enhancement techniques. The major problem in vide