- 我自己编制的股票自动交易系统,期末的课程设计题目,希望对大家有所帮助!,The preparation of my own stock automated trading system, the curriculum design at the end of the topic, I hope all of you to help!
- 自己写程序揭开cmos密码 一说到破解cmos密码,你可能说,咳,这有什么难的,用debug o 70 20 o 71 20 不就地了吗。 慢~~~,以上这种方法是通过向cmos芯片随便写入数字,使之在开机检测时无法通过奇偶校验导致cmos芯片数据重新初始化,自然密码也没有了,但是这种方法是破坏性的(暴力!),清除的不止是密码而已,cmos芯片的其他数据,包括cpu频率,ide借口设备等等都被清除了,而且,最重要的一点就是--在你破掉密码之后,别人就知道密码被破解了。这绝对不符
- 本demo实现了放大缩小,拖拽,旋转功能. 因为是多点触摸所以鼠标的只能进行拖拽 放大缩小旋转用鼠标是看不到效果的 在官网上有这种demo但是是基于bitmap来做的 我这个可以对swf进行操作-This demo implements zoom, drag, rotate function. Because it is so multi-touch can only drag the mouse to zoom in rotation with the mouse can no
- STM32 驱动库的中文使用说明,非常好呀,我就是看这个学会STM32的-STM32-driven database for use in Chinese, very nice, I just look at the Institute of STM32
- For solving the following problem: "There is No Free Lunch" Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB One day, CYJJ found an interesting piece of commercial from newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of "Lunch Special" whi
- 是本人在省赛是写的ad采集和显示的程序,可以吗?-My game is at the provincial ad written procedures for collecting and display, can I?
- ]本文介绍了如何利用CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)与单片机的结合实现并行I/ O(输入/输出)接口的扩展。该设计与用8255做并行I/O接口相比,与单片机软件完全兼容, 同时拥有速度快,功耗低,价格便宜,使用灵活等特点-] This article describes how to use the CPLD (complex programmable logic device) and the single-chip combination to achieve parallel I/O
- Lotus Notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used in an older sandbox posting I found. The majority of this code was NOT written by me. Credit goes to someone at Lotus (I think) for the original co
- 信号与仿真 其实我也不晓得是什么了 看看在说吧-Signal and Simulation in fact I do not know what is a look at the Well
- windows程序设计配套的代码,第一张的内容,大家,一区看看。希望大家可以帮我拉拉人气-windows programming matching code, the contents of the first, everyone, take a look at one area. Hope that we can help I have put together a popular
- 设有两个字符串s和t,首先将s1与t1进行比较,直到s的某一个字符si和ti相同, 再将它们之后的字符进行比较,若也相同,则如此继续往下比较,当s的某一个字符si与t的字符tj不同时,则s返回到本趟开始字符的下一个字符,即si-j+2,t返回到t1,继续开始下一趟的比较,重复上述过程。若t中的字符全部比较完,则说明本趟匹配成功,本趟的起始位置是i-j+1,否则,匹配失败。 -There are two strings s and t, first s1 and t1 compare s
- 只学过C++语言,对C语言不是很了解,所以在用到C语言里面的知识时有点不知所以然,只能向别的同学请教,他们都耐心的给我详细的解释,以此同时,我发现C语言里面一些函数的奥妙,也发现了自己的不足.也认识到只学一门高级语言是不够的,应该结合多门高级语言的知识来分析一个程序,这样会发觉自己所学的知识将会紧密地结合在一起.所以在今后的学习-Only learned C++ Language, on the C language is not very well, so in the C language
- 一个很好的为AT89序列下载程序并烧录程序的软件,为你提供一个最佳的仿真效果。-A good sequence for the AT89 download and burn process software, in order to provide you with the best simulation effect.
- 校园导游C语言版,是清华大学教授经典制作的,希望对大家有用!-C language version of the campus tour guides, is a professor at Tsinghua University produced a classic, I hope useful for all of us!
- 以前写得一个vb课程结业设计,今天拿出来看看,感觉还有点意思。-Previously written a vb courses, design, take a look at today s show, I feel mean still.
- keilc51仿真板软件使用方法:1. 请将下载的2个插件内容拷贝到uVision 的安装目录下的 \Keil\C51\BIN 中 2. 修改 Tool.ini, 此文件位于 uVision 的安装目录 \keil 下. 请将下面的内容 添加到 [C51] 部分的后面. AGSI1=ledkey.dll ("ledkey") AGSI2=simboard.dll ("simboard") 3. 重启uVsion. 进入Debug 模式, 打开菜单Perip
- AT+I指令集程序员手册,希望给大家带来帮助!-AT+ I instruction set programmers manual, want to give us help!
- 俞敏洪的北大演讲,看后很有感触,觉得人生应该不抛弃,不放弃-Mr Yu' s Peking University speech, look after the very touching, I feel life should not abandon, do not give up
- Descr iption There is a square wall which is made of n*n small square bricks. Some bricks are white while some bricks are yellow. Bob is a painter and he wants to paint all the bricks yellow. But there is something wrong with Bob s brush. Once h
- poj3342 Dear Contestant, I m going to have a party at my villa at Hali-Bula to celebrate my retirement from BCM. I wish I could invite all my co-workers, but imagine how an employee can enjoy a party when he finds his boss among the guests! So