- 鼠标设备的上层过滤驱动程序,如果在用户模式下编写程序与该驱动交互,可以实现罗技或双飞燕鼠标那样的特殊功能。特色之处是:对独占性设备的通信。(我的代码绝对自己编写,真诚希望站长能网开一面,让我就上载这一个代码而成为会员。所谓“水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒”嘛!)-mouse filtration equipment at the top drivers, if the user mode procedures and the preparation of the driver interaction
- 我自己完成的MATLAB仿真雷达视频积累程序,提供给大家一起来探讨,大家也来卡那看看这么样 -I completed the MATLAB simulation radar video accumulation procedures, and providing an up to you to explore, we have to look at the card so it kind
- Due to an increase in demand for and questions about direct disk access for Micrososft platforms, and due to the fact that Microsoft has no API for direct disk access, I am releasing this library much earlier than I intended at that start. I am
- 总结了下VC6中编译driver的方法,很有用的哦,我刚学的时候看的,别人写的-summarized under VC6 compiled the driver, a very useful Oh, I just look at the school. others write
- 我写的第一个wince下串口流驱动。对于熟悉串口驱动很好。初学者应好好看看。-I wrote the article under a wince-driven serial port. Serial Drivers are familiar with the good. Beginners should take a look at.
- MC75的USB驱动,安装后可以把MC75的USB添加为一个串口,进行AT命令收发。同时会生成一个modem,可以直接用它拨号。,The USB driver MC75, MC75 after installation of the USB can be added as a serial port for AT commands to send and receive. At the same time will generate a modem, can directly use it to
- 本书是一本介绍Linux设备驱动开发理论、框架与实例的书,本书以Linux 2.6版本内核为蓝本,详细介绍自旋锁、信号量、完成量、中断顶/底半部、定时器、内存和I/O映射以及异步通知、阻塞I/O、非阻塞I/O等Linux 设备驱动理论;字符设备、块设备、TTY设备、I2C设备、LCD设备、音频设备、USB设备、网络设备、PCI设备等Linux设备驱动的架构和框架中各个复杂数据架构和函数的关系,并讲解了大量Linux驱动开发的大量实例,使读者能够独立开发各类Linux设备驱动。-This book
- 我在没有见过任何有关滚动屏编程程序的情况下编了一6位LED数码管滚动程序,大家看了可不要笑 ,次序运行效果还不错的哦!-I have never seen at any scroll screen programming procedure for a six LED digital tube rolling process, everyone can read not to laugh, to run the effect of the order of, oh well!
- 有关8255的编程工作,关于交通灯的,下载可以看看,希望能够对你有所帮助-Programming of the 8255 work on the traffic lights, download can take a look at, I hope you can help
- 详细介绍了如何利用Windows Driver Model在Windows环境下编写驱动程序。-The Windows Driver Model traces its roots several years back to an OS called Windows for Workgroups 3.10. At that time we were struggling with support for the myriad of different SCSI controllers, and I
- WinDriver软件的中文说明文档,我看着还可以,翻译的还不错-WinDriver software documentation in Chinese, I looked at can also be pretty good translation
- 首发一个曾打算商用的文档透明加密驱动代码,类minifilter.记得是可以正常对word加解密的,而且关键是完全脱离了MS复杂的(个人认为)minifilter源码。 用来商用是绝对不行的,自己用估计也要改改,但起码逻辑是挺清晰的,如果用来入门我觉得挺好的,当然自己完整改过minifilter的就不需要看了。 至于刷缓存和实现多缓存,这个就见仁见智了。我觉得两者如果都实现到可以商用这个级别的话,就是可以的。作为一名不资深人士,在阅读并操作过DMK和国内某专业厂家的纯刷缓存的产品之后,个
- 这个是我自己写的跳舞机游戏大家下去玩玩吧就是有点闪-this is what I wrote it myself at focusing on the game we play a game it is a little flash
- CH374是一个USB总线的通用接口芯片,支持USB-HOST主机方式和USB-DEVICE/SLAVE设备方式,内置3端口HUB根集线器,支持低速和全速的控制传输、批量传输、中断传输以及同步/等时传输。在本地端,CH374具有8位数据总线和读、写、片选控制线以及中断输出,可以方便地挂接到单片机/DSP/MCU/MPU等控制器的系统总线上。除此之外,CH374还提供了节约I/O引脚的SPI串行通讯方式,通过3线或者4线SPI串行接口以及中断输出与单片机/DSP/MCU/MPU等相连接。(CH37