- 这是一个仿真导弹试验模拟系统。在工程设计领域,设计人员可以利用可视化技术提早发现设计的缺陷,从而改进设计方案。-this is a missile simulator .in engineering design, the designer can find its defects and improve their design whith the assist of visual design techlog.
- 本软件是由作者经过数字图像处理课程的学习,采用vc++.net将其基本算法实现,其算法主要包括: 1.点运算(灰度直方图,直方图均衡处理,线性运算,二值化,灰度化等) 2.几何运算(旋转,放缩,镜像,平移) 3.几何空间增强(均值,中值滤波器,k近邻均值,中值滤波器,Roberts,sobel,priwitt,laplacian,wallis锐化算子等) 4.频率域增强(基2FFT进行空间域到频率域的转换,高斯,理想,巴特沃斯高低通滤波器) 5.形态学(膨胀,腐蚀,开,闭运算,边缘提取) 6.图
- 先正确读取bmp图像然后将其转换为raw格式并存储-first correctly read bmp images will then convert its raw format and storage
- 图形学中的基本画图算法的实现,可能会有点小问题,请自己校正-graphics, the basic algorithm for drawing the realization may be some minor problems, its own calibration
- 这个源程序是一个显示三维模型的,功能是打开三维模型,然后可以对其进行旋转,平移等-this source is a three-dimensional model shows that its function is to open the three-dimensional model, which can then be its rotation, translation, etc.
- Polygon clipping is one of those humble tasks computers do all the time. It s a basic operation in creating graphic output of all kinds. There are several well-known polygon clipping algorithms, each having its strengths and weaknesses. The oldest on
- 这是几个数字图像处理的程序实例,有经典的傅立叶变换和反变换、图像增强(中值滤波、增强光照)还有染色体计数。它们都是经典算法的实现。-Here are several digital image processing examples including classical Fourier transform and its inverse, image enhancement (like median filtering, intensity enhancement) and chromosom
- 关于OPENGL的一个程序 内容是关于 球的模型-a program about OPENGL, as for its contents, it s about the module of sphere.
- Arcengine和C#开发的例子。有画图功能。放大缩小平移,查询等功能-Examples of developing in C# and ArcEngine. Its function includes Drawing, Zoom in or Zoom out, also the Search.
- 一个利用MapInfo和VB做的画图课程设计,功能覆盖基本画图操作,对与开发自己的作图程序很有借鉴。-a use MapInfo and VB do drawing curriculum design, functional coverage of basic drawing operations, and to develop its own very useful reference mapping procedures.
- 基于神经网络的识别程序,程序采用三层BP网络训练,采用了普通定义中加入动量因子的训练法,精确度很高。-based on neural network identification procedures, procedures adopted a three-tier network training BP, with its definition of momentum into the training factor, a high degree of precision.
在VisualC 中不依赖MATLAB环境调用其函数的方法
- 这是一个关于在VisualC中不依赖MATLAB环境调用其函数的方法,只使用VC的编程环境就能实现- This is about does not rely on the MATLAB environment in VisualC to transfer its function the method, only uses VC the programming environment to be able to realize
- Intersect_Tins.rar. 实现不规则三角网的内插。 求取其截面等。-Intersect_Tins.rar. realization irregular triangular net interpolation. Asks to take its section and so on.
- CVPR2008论文The patch transform and its applications to image editing源代码-CVPR2008 The patch transform and its applications to image editing
- 小波技术及其应用的一个PDF文档,非常好地介绍了小波的历史、发展、以及应用现状。适合初接触小波的人学习。-Wavelet technology a PDF document and its applications, very good introduction to the history of the wavelet, development, and application status. For people to learn early contact with wavelets.
- 关于小波基础理论的概论性指导,较为全面地分析小波理论及其应用,并配有相关实验指导-Introduction to guidance on the theory of wavelet basis, a more comprehensive analysis of the wavelet theory and its applications, and with experimental guidance
- 遗传算法简介及其在数字信号处理、数字图像处理中的应用-Introduction of genetic algorithm and its application in digital signal processing
- 图像小波变换及其复原,可以实现小波变换的图像融合,使用vc++和opencv编写-Wavelet transform and its recovery can be achieved on wavelet transform image fusion, and opencv prepared using vc++
- 其功能是实现对图象的顺时针和逆时针旋转,不错的 很好-Its function is to realize the image clockwise and counterclockwise, good is very good
- MATLAB实验实例及其源程序,希望大家喜欢!很好的 不错-MATLAB experiment instance and its source code, hope you like them!