calibrate camera
- opencv编写的图像角点获取程序,能够标识出图像角点,并给出详细坐标,提供了测试图片。-This program use opencv to identify corners in a image 。Its results are precise coordinates of each corner. it provides test images.
- 自己整理的opencv源码分析,是关于opencv2.2的,里面也有自己的翻译,如果大家喜欢,我陆续会把源码分析一个个上传完毕-Opencv source of his finishing is about opencv2.2' s, which also has its own translation, if you like, I will gradually upload one complete source code analysis
- 直方圖等化(Histogram Equalization)為一種使用統計方法的影像處理程式設計,它的功能為將統計直方圖的色彩分布平均的打散在直方圖裡,也就是說,讓一張圖的直方圖分布均勻化,同樣的也是使用到LUT(Look-up Table)的方法 而在設計直方圖等化不可或缺的就是需要先知道統計學的機率密度函數(Probability Density Function,PDF)以及累積分配函數(Cumlative Distribution Function,CDF)相關的基本概念,在這邊
- For python lovers and hardcore fans of Opencv... Here i have translated the Opencv object marker program originally in cpp to Python. Its code is simple and any system with Python, OpenCV and Python-opencv can run it. Please try it and comment.
- 本文主要讲讲怎样用opencv画一些基本图形,这些图形包括,直线,圆,椭圆,多边形等。参考资料为opencv自带tutiol及其code。 开发环境:ubuntu12.04+Qt4.8.2+QtCreator2.5+opencv2.4.2 实验功能: 1.单击Drawing1按钮,将会画出atom图形,并且可以看出该图形成的过程,共分5个步骤画,每画完1个部分会自动停留1s,以便观察,然后画下一个部分,直至完成atom图形。 2.单击Drawing2按钮,将会画出
- 圖片檔案格式的轉換其實很簡單,應為所有轉換格式的演算法都包在cvLoadImage(),cvSaveImage()裡啦,對OpenCV而言,可以不用去知道如何去實作它的圖檔格式而做到直接開啟的功能,而他讀到的檔案甚至連它的相關資訊全都包在IplImage資料結構裡-Image file format conversion is very simple, they should convert the format for all algorithms are wrapped in cvLoadI
- 适合OPENCV的初学者,熟悉其基本用法,完成字符的处理与显示-For OPENCV beginners are familiar with its basic usage, to complete the processing and display of characters
- AVICap窗口类是VFW(Video for Windows)*的一个重要组成部分,它的主要作用是实现视频的捕获。这是一个源码的例子。-AVICap window class is a VFW (Video for Windows)* is an important component of its primary role is to implement video capture. This is a source code example.
- opencv与directshow结合,在MFC平台上显示图像并对其进行基本处理-opencv and directshow integration platform to display images in the MFC, and its basic processing
- Its a GMM code gmr, matrix, vector etc codes are very useful
- 计算机视觉教程,来自北大的郭平教授亲自传授,让您早就睡觉视觉的世界里游刃有余-Computer Vision Tutorials, from Peking University Professor Guo Ping personally teach, so you go to bed early visual world its capability to
- 用OpenCV实现二维离散小波变换及其逆变换(对初学者非常有用)-OpenCV implementation with two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform and its inverse transform (very useful for beginners)
- 将彩色图像转换为灰度图像并对其进行边缘检测 vs2008+opencv2.1运行成功-A color image is converted to grayscale and edge detection of its successful run vs2008+ opencv2.1
- 捕食者物体跟踪算法 开放源码 英国萨里大学的一个捷克学生的博士论文的一部分 -TLD is an award-winning, real-time algorithm for tracking of unknown objects in video streams. The object of interest is defined by a bounding box in a single frame. TLD simultaneously Tracks the object, Lea
- 摄影测量学发展而来的直接线性变换(DLT)方法和扩展的直接线性变换方法,有基于径向排列约束(RAC) 的两步法(Tsai方法),有基于不同位置平面模板的张正友法(Zhang),也有基于摄像机本身移动无需外部标 定物的自标定方法。 OpenCV是Intel开源计算机视觉库,它由一系列c函数和少量C++类构成,具有强大的图像处理、图 像分析和图像理解功能,它的函数实现了很多经典的图像处理和计算机视觉方面的算法,是机器视觉研究 与开发的良好工具。-Photogrammetry de
- OpenCV致力于真实世界的实时应用,通过优化的C代码的编写对其执行速度带来了可观的提升-OpenCV is committed to real-world real-time applications, by optimizing the preparation of C-code speed of its implementation has brought considerable improvement
- o Reiley introduction to OpenCV. it is a book about Computer vision, its very good for begginners and for proffesionals.
- its a project library of face detection
- This program creates a rectangle when you click the mouse on the window, and stretches the rectangle until you release the mouse. This requires the creation of a mouse callback. For the main function we use a while loop that keeps redrawing each box
- Adaboost人脸检测方法及其并行实现-Adaboost face detection method and its parallel implementation