- Polygon clipping is one of those humble tasks computers do all the time. It s a basic operation in creating graphic output of all kinds. There are several well-known polygon clipping algorithms, each having its strengths and weaknesses. The oldest on
- 一个利用MapInfo和VB做的画图课程设计,功能覆盖基本画图操作,对与开发自己的作图程序很有借鉴。-a use MapInfo and VB do drawing curriculum design, functional coverage of basic drawing operations, and to develop its own very useful reference mapping procedures.
- 本程序是一个简单的而居于单文档的画图程序,其具有画椭圆,直线,矩形等功能。-this procedure is a simple living in a single document the drawing program, with its oval painting, line, rectangle functions.
- 学习计算机图形学的学生必做的一个题目,本人自认做的比较完美,会对其他同学有点借鉴意义,实现橡皮颈画任意多边形,对其进行填充-study computer graphics students will do a topic, I do a self perfection, the other students would somewhat useful to achieve rubber neck painting arbitrary polygon, its filling
- 捕捉鼠标的轨迹,并用一双眼睛还显示它的位置。当按下鼠标左键时,可以将鼠标移到屏幕外也可得到鼠标的位置并显示在标题上。-capture mouse track, and with a pair of eyes also revealed its position. When the left mouse button pressed, the mouse can be moved to the outside screen also can get the location of the mous
- 图形学的代码,使用系统提供的绘点函数,加上自己的算法。可以画出直线。包括DDA算法和breshenham算法,中心点画圆和8分画圆,提供种子填充算法,多边形画法。-graphics code, the use of the system provides painted point function, together with its own algorithm. Sense straight. DDA include algorithms and breshenham algorithm,
- 1. 做一个集成的图形界面的程序,可调用每一次作业子程序。 2. 调用画点的函数,用DDA、中点算法画直线和中点算法及正负法画圆和抛物线。 3. 交互式的二维直线求交:如果存在交点,用实心圆显示交点,并用文字显示其坐标。 4. 用动画实现二维图形变换的各种算法,实现对指定形体的平移、旋转和缩放。(包括自行车行走和绕固定点旋转的自旋转物体动画。) 5. 线段裁剪和多边形裁剪算法的动画演示实现。(两种线段裁剪算法和H-S多边形逐边裁剪算法)多边形裁剪算法的动画演示要求先画出一个封闭的
- 一个二维绘图程序,能在其上面画出各种不同的图形,并做各种变换!-a 2D drawing program, in its top draw different kinds of graphics, and do all kinds of transformation!
- 128碼開始於1981年推出,是一種長度可變、連續性的字母數字條碼。與其他一維條碼比較起來,128碼是較為複雜的條碼系統,而其所能支援的字元也相對地比其他一維條碼來得多,又有不同的編碼方式可供交互運\用,因此其應用彈性也較大。-128 yards began in 1981 introduced a variable length, continuous digit alphanumeric bar code. With other one-dimensional bar code compar
- 实验内容: 1 实现扫描转换多边形的算法填充多边形。 实现内容: 1, 可以画任意多边形。 2, 三角形也是通过扫描转换多边形的算法实现。 具体实现: 画多边形用moveto(),lineto(),两个函数实现画没一条边。 构造ET表,AEL表,通过这两个表填充多边形。 画图步骤: 1. 取顶点:用n记录顶点个数,按下鼠标开始取点,第二次按下取得第二个顶点,第i次按下取得第i 个顶点。取得的顶点放到Verex[]中。 2. 画多边形:按下菜单按钮----多
- 一个很好的SDL绘图函数库,可以添加到自己的程序中使用,可以绘制各种图形,包括直线、矩形、圆等-a good SDL mapping functions that can be added to its own procedures for the use, can draw various graphics, including linear, rectangular, round, etc.
- 该程序开发了浮动窗口,浮动工具条,对于自己开发程序,使用继承的方法应用它的类会很方便。-procedures developed by the floating window, floating tools, for its own development process, The inherited methods used its application category will be very convenient.
- 绘制B样条曲线,并且可用鼠标实现其形状和控制顶点的改变-drawing of B-spline curves, and the mouse can be used to achieve its shape and control vertices change
- 关于计算机图形学的线段剪裁,能用鼠标画出实线后在用矩形对其进行裁剪-computer graphics on the line tailoring, it can use the mouse painted lines used in its rectangular cut
- 在学习过程中的兴趣编写。其功能是实现用鼠标绘制多边形。单击左键确定顶点,双击结束绘制。-learning process in the interest of the preparation. Its function is to achieve polygon drawing with the mouse. Left click determine vertex, double-click the end of mapping.
- mfc 进行绘图的一个平台。 CGFramework is an auxiliary framework for some homework in the course of Computer Graphics. It aims at shielding the students from complex windows programming issues, and helps them focus on the graphics algorithms, rather than some
- CADBOXES 1.1 as of 30.10.1998 (C)1998 by Bernhard Knibbe This Component is a enhanced listbox/combobox like seen on a famous cad program. Its rather useful to visualize/change/check boolean values related to stringlists. It is originally
- 实现四个功能:一、图和图素1. 定义屏幕坐标2. 在屏幕中心作下列图素:点 • ; 小方块 ■ ;大方块 ■ ; 圆点 ● 。以上述图素画线二、3. 用DDA法画线段;4. 用DDA法画圆。三、已知如图所示的多面体,其各棱边长均相等。要求1. 用步进法(即+1比较法)编写AB线段生成程序;2. 用法线法编写消隐程序;3. 编写让多面体绕其中心轴线旋转30o、45o、60o的程序四.在三的基础上自动绘制各棱边,自由旋转任意角度-realization of the four funct
- 自己开发的,多边形扫描线填充算法,采用橡皮筋模式确定多边形轮廓,经调试通过,此代码效率很高-its own development, filled polygon scan line algorithm, using rubber-band model to determine polygon outline, debugger, this code efficiency
- 为了将零件固定在PCB上面,我们将它们的接脚直接焊在布线上。在最基本的PCB(单面板)上,零件都集中在其中一面,导线则都集中在另一面。这么一来我们就需要在板子上打洞,这样接脚才能穿过板子到另一面,所以零件的接脚是焊在另一面上的。因为如此,PCB的正反面分别被称为零件面(Component Side)与焊接面(Solder Side)。-parts to be fixed above the PCB, we will take their feet welded directly on the w