- 完整的DICOM医学图象浏览,可以读出DICOM图象,及其属性。并且把JPEG图象和 BMP图象转换为DICOM图象。并实现视频,AVI接口-A complete dicom image biewer, which can read the dicom image, and its properties and put the Jpg and Bmp image to Dicom format. It also realize the video and avi interface.
- 用于离散点的构建三角网.文件是一个学习算法的文件,可以自行画点,然后构三角网-discrete points for the Construction of triangulation. Paper is a learning algorithm, can draw on its own, then conformation triangulation
- 一个完整的矢量绘图系统,可以绘制点、线、面、椭圆、弧等,并可以改变其属性-integrity of a vector graphics systems, which can draw points, lines, noodles, ellipse, arc, and can change its attributes
- IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库 支持1,8,16,位有/无符号,32位有符号,32位浮点类型数据类型。 支持RGB,CMYK,YCACB,YUV,XYZ,色彩空间,支持alpha通道 支持矩形ROI,通道ROI,遮罩 支持分块图像,错误处理,用户定义函数 支持图像数学,几何,滤波,图象统计,色彩空间变换操作。-IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SS
- IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库.这个s是IPL的中文开发文档-IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SSE, SSE2 and future technologies such as VLSW release of Image Processing Library. This is IPL s development of the Chinese Documents
- gabor滤波器的matlab算法实现,有自己的独到之处,并附带一些参考文献-Matlab filter algorithm, it has its own unique, and some incidental references
- 可以对图形进行各种几何变换,包括反转,平移,旋转,拉伸。并对其进行赋值变换。图形学的一个综合编程例子。-graphics can be right for various geometric transformation, including inversion, translation, rotation, stretching. And transform its assignment. An integrated graphics programming examples.
- 着里面包含了多种常用的图象变换方法,它的表现还过的去啊,有兴趣的可一下啊-with which contains a variety of commonly used methods of image transformation, and its performance was off to ah, to be interested in what ah
- opencv是目前广泛流行的一个开源图像处理库。基于它实现各种图像处理的二次开发都十分方便。本程序基于opencv简洁的实现了图像处理中的同态滤波器,注释清楚,便于大家学习和使用。-OpenCV is a widely popular open-source image processing library. Based on its various image processing to achieve the second development is very convenient. Op
- 自己开发的布尔运算功能.利用VC#开发,供大家学习-its own development Boolean computing. VC# development, learning for everyone
- 有四个单独的MATLAB程序,是对一幅256的单色图像进行最大值计算,最小值计算,均值计算,还有一个是画出其直方图-four separate MATLAB program is to a 256 monochrome image maximum, minimum, mean, there is a painted its histogram
- Sobel算子:是一种空域微分算子,可以通过它锐化图象。 将图象分块(8*8),作DCT变换,并作IDCT:DCT是一种可分离图象变换,用来图象压缩编码。-Sobel Operator : airspace is a differential operator, through its image sharpening. Image will block (8 * 8), for the DCT and IDCT for : DCT is a separable Image Transfor
- Potrace是一个位图图片的优化工具,它可以使其成为平滑,可自由缩放的图片。它输入的格式可以是PBM, PGM, PPM, 和 BMP 格式,默认的输出格式是EPS文件,它可以用于将公司的徽标和文件的扫描图片的锯齿消除,以任何分辨率显示出来。它的输出格式有: EPS, Postscr ipt, PDF, SVG , Xfig, Gimppath, 和PGM . -Potrace is a bitmap image optimization tools, which can make it sm
The PhoXo Core Library (PCL) 图像处理库
- The PhoXo Core Library (PCL) 是一套强大的跨平台图像处理库。它的主要特性包括 :* 平台无关代码* 任意区域选取* 几十种图像特效* Undo/Redo支持* 多图层* 进度显示* 直方图* 图像文件读写* 文字渲染 (目前使用WIN32-GDI+, 以后会采用FreeType替代)-The Core Library (PCL) is a powerful, cross-platform image processing library. Its main featu
- Huffman编码的算法及其实现。 这是一个实验报告,请采纳!-Huffman coding algorithm and its implementation. This is an experiment report, adopted!
- 一个曲柄滑块机构的matlab仿真代码,包括其运动仿真,以及变量变化曲线图的生成。-A slider-crank mechanism of matlab simulation code, including its motion simulation, and variable changes in graph generation.
- 一个回转导杆机构的matlab仿真代码,包括其运动仿真,以及变量变化曲线图的生成。-A rotary guide agencies matlab simulation code, including its motion simulation, and variable changes in graph generation.
- 这是一个contourlet工具箱,用来对contourlet变换进行了解和应用-Contourlet toolbox: a MATLAB toolbox for computing the contourlet transform and its applications. The contourlet transform is described in: The contourlet transform: an efficient directional multiresolution im
- Its source code may be used, for academic purposes only. No part of it may be used in a commercial application.-Its source code may be used, for academic purposes only. No part of it may be u sed in a commercial application.
- 评测JPEG或其他编码器压缩后的图像块效应程度的代码,其标准为流行的GBIM评测标准-Evaluation or other encoder JPEG compressed image block effect of the degree of code, its standard for evaluating GBIM popular standards