Tug og war.rar
- Tug of War A tug of war is to be arranged at the local office picnic. For the tug of war, the picnickers must be divided into two teams. Each person must be on one team or the other; the number of people on the two teams must not differ by more than
- 怎样判断一个指针指向的对象是否已经被析构,很好的学习C++的资料-how to decide a pointer at whether the target has been Destructors, good learning C information
- 重言式是当所有逻辑变元取遍所有值时都为真的表达式。这个程序是用来对重言式进行判别的!还可以吧!牛人别见笑!-tautology is when all logic variables take out all values are true expressions. The procedure is used to tautology runs! Also! Other cattle were laughed at!
- 可以过来看看有关8皇后的相关算法.这是本人初学数据结构运用堆栈编写的小程序-can come look at the Statue of eight correlation algorithm. This is my beginner stack data structure prepared by the use of small programs
- 浙江工业大学C++数据结构课程设计的练习作品 有一定的难度 有英文原题说明(老外授课)大家可以先看题自己做再参考我的程序-C data structure courses designed exercises works have a certain degree of difficulty that the original is in English (non teaching) that we can look at ourselves with reference to the proc
- B树排序算法的实现,还不错。有兴趣的可以看看。-B-tree algorithm to achieve, quite good. Interested parties can look at.
- 比较好的算法,其中有自己写的很好用的链表,大家可以下载-better algorithm, which has its own very well written with the List, we can look at the download
- 要想看看自己的编程水平有多高。除了开发项目和做出象样子的软件以外,还有一个很好的办法就是参加比赛.而国际大学生程序设计竞赛题解,为你提供了检验自己的一个很好的挑战。里面不仅有大量的例题,还有各种算法的分析和与实例的结合。是提高英文和编程能力的绝对好书了-To look at our own programming level is very high. In addition to development projects and to make the software look like t
- 用VC+ASM做的内排序比较软件,共比较6种排序,最大特色是通过汇编计算排序运行时间,详细看readme.txt-VC ASM done within sequencing software comparison, a total of six more species, in order of greatest characteristics is calculated by compiling Sort running time, a detailed look at readme.txt
- 双端选择排序算法:是选择排序算法的变种,可以定位每个子表中最小和最大元素 并把它们分别放在子表的开头和结尾.-dual-Selection Sorting Algorithm : The algorithm is to select the varieties, each positioning table for the smallest and largest elements and their son were on the table at the beginning and en
- 实现中缀变后缀表达式求值.用VC编写的,大家可以来看看,发表下意见也行. -realization grade change suffix expression evaluated. VC prepared, we can look at, to publish opinions OK.
复件 轮渡问题
- 1. 汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载10辆车过江,过江车辆分为客车类和货车类,上渡船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上4辆客车,才允许上一辆货车。若等待客车不足4辆,则从货车代替,若无货车等待允许客车上船。试写一个算法模拟渡口管理。 算法设计: 1客车和货车均建立一个链式队列,初始均为空。以后来一辆车不是货车就是客车,因此可以说整个程序的事件驱动event就是这两个,客车表示1,货车表示0. 2轮船还没有到达时客车和货车均按次序排在
- 好的学习资料编译没学好的要下了看看哦 ,我也是找老师要的-good learning information to the compiler diminish under a look at, oh, I also want to find teachers
- 用最短路径解决. 提供三种最优决策:最快到达,最少费用,最少中转站.-solution with the shortest path. For three optimal decision : fastest to reach at least cost, at least transfer stations.
- 数字信号处理C语言程序集,完全的好东西,大家看看吧-digital signal processing C Language Program Set entirely a good thing, we look at it
- 收集的一些常用算法,分得很细,使用方便,与大家分享-collection of some commonly used algorithm, at very small, easy to use and share
- 1、 应用程序 直接可以实现多项式的各项操作。 2、 查看原代码VC++6.0打开“多项式\\poly88.dsp”或者用记事本打开“多项式\\poly88.cpp” 3、 代码简单说明: 本程序是一个工程文件包含了链式与顺序两种多项是处理方式: 链表存储结构:多项式类是polynomail,节点类是polynelem; 顺序存储结构:多项是结构体是Ploynomial,节点类是term。 4、 注:在运行应用程序\"多项式.exe\"时,在
- 装箱问题:在装箱问题中,有若干个容量为c 的箱子和n 个待装载入箱子中的物品。物品i 需占 用s[i]个单元(0< s[i]≤c)。成功装载是指能把所有物品都装入箱子。最优装载是指使用最 少箱子的成功装载。 例如某运输公司要把包裹装入卡车中,每个包裹都有一定的重量,且每辆卡车也有其载 重限制(假设每辆卡车的载重都一样)。在卡车装载问题中,希望用最少的卡车来装载包裹。 此问题可看作装箱问题。卡车对应于箱子,包裹对应于物品。 解装箱问题的Best Fit 算法: 设
- 这里面包含了大量的数据结构的常用算法,大家可一看看有不有对自己有用的东西-which contains a large amount of data structure used algorithm, we can not have a look at a pair of useful things
- 最优合并问题 给定K个排好序的序列s1,s2,...,sk,用2 路合并算法将这k个序列合并成一个序列。 假设所采用的2路合并算法合并2个长度分另为m 和n的序列需要m+n-1次比较。试设计一个算法确定合并这个序列的最优合并顺序,使所需的总比较次数最少。-optimal merging given K platoons good sequence of sequence s1, s2 ,..., sk. using 2-way merger of this algorithm k se