- 各个气象站点不同高度处的气象观测数据包括气压温度风向-Various weather stations of the meteorological observation at different height of the data including air temperature which way the wind blows
- Collaborative Filtering,基于Collaborative Filtering,建立主动为用户推荐商品的推荐系统。实现参考协同过滤算法或它的优化,实现并改进算法,计算出每个客户对未购买的商品的兴趣度,并向客户主动推荐他最感兴趣的N个商品。实验数据可以从MovieLens.com下载。要求使用至少10,000不同用户的数据,至少1000个不同的movie。-Collaborative Filtering,Based Collaborative Filtering, the in
- 最大熵随机游走,在每一步中令熵率保持局部最大-The maximum entropy random walk, so entropy rate at each step to keep the local maximum
- 此附件是solo3,由美国UCAR,NCAR开发。用于画WSR-88D天气雷达的雷达反射率回波,径向速度。同时,能简单的退模糊,不过是手动的。此附件为编译好的linux 64位软件,可直接使用。-This annex is solo3, by American UCAR, NCAR developed. Radar reflectivity echo for drawing WSR-88D weather radar radial velocity. At the same time, you
- 基于层次聚类的算法.最初将每个对象作为一个簇,然后这些簇按照某些规则一个个合并起来-The algorithm based on the hierarchical clustering algorithm, which is used as a cluster of each object at first, then the clusters are merged according to some rules.
- 数据挖掘中关联规则算法的FPtree算法的Python实现。FPtree算法比apriori算法更擅于处理大规模的数据-Data Mining Association Rules algorithm FPtree algorithm implemented in Python. FPtree algorithm apriori algorithm is more than adept at handling large data
- GAUSS has two electronic help systems, corresponding to the GAUSS pdf manuals (available at http://www.aptech.com). 1. The Command Reference is an easy way to pick up information on commands (as long as they are not deemed obsolete ), and is or
- 用于去除一个数据集中的野点的matlab函数,可应用数据建模及统计分析-For input vector A, returns a vector B with outliers (at the significance level alpha) removed. Also, optional output argument idx returns the indices in A of outlier values. Optional output argument outlie
- 基于逻辑回归的多分类问题,可以实现至少三类数据的分类-Classification based on multiple logistic regression, classification can be achieved at least three types of data