- 很好的算法,可广泛用于各行业(如工控)计算组态-It s a very good arithmetic that can be used at many industries.such as industry control,for caculation configuration.
- 最小二乘法拟和曲线,两个程序,大家-least squares fitting curves, the two procedures, we look at
- Finds the polynomial p10 of degree less than or equal to 10 that interpolates cos x on the interval [0, PI/2] at 11 equally spaced points. Study the error betwee between the function and the polynomial at 41 equally spaced points over the same
- 用于多个离散点拟合光滑曲线的,优化了追赶法,这个例子适用于闭合和不闭合两种情况。当时由于工程情况,写的急,代码不好看,但是很好用。为了方便传递参数,我做了一个链表,用时候根据自己情况可以修改,核心算法不动即可。-point for a number of discrete smooth curve fitting, and optimized to catch up with the law applicable to this case is not closed and the closur
- 可能很多人都曾经想过要实现一些比较大的数的阶乘,但是C++中提供的标准数据类型其存储空间太小,根本无法实现。我们可以通过其他方法来实现,本程序用一个很简单的算法实现数的阶乘,程序很短,也很简单,各处都有注释,相信大家很容易就可以看懂,下载源码后在VC6.0中打开编译后即可运行,程序经少许改动可以实现更大的数的阶乘,有兴趣的读者在看完本程序后可一动手试试,其乐无穷!!希望这个程序能给大家一点帮助。程序可能还有许多不足之出,热烈欢迎各位前来指导。在下在此表示衷心的感谢!!!!! -many peop
- The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274 (see comments at the start of the module). A planar-rotation algorithm is used to update the QR- factorization. This makes it
- 自适应网格划分通用程序包,美国伯克利大学开发的共享软件包。-Adaptive Mesh generic package, the United States developed at the University of Berkeley's share package.
- 自适应网格划分通用程序包,美国伯克利大学开发。-Adaptive Mesh generic package, the United States developed at the University of Berkeley.
- 自适应网格划分通用程序包,美国伯克利大学开发。-Adaptive Mesh generic package, the United States developed at the University of Berkeley.
- 自适应网格划分通用程序包,美国伯克利大学开发。-Adaptive Mesh generic package, the United States developed at the University of Berkeley.
- 自适应网格划分通用程序包,美国伯克利大学开发。-Adaptive Mesh generic package, the United States developed at the University of Berkeley.
- 华罗庚,中国伟大得数学家,他的理论和研究对中国以及世界数学起着重要作用,喜欢数学的朋友们来看看吧-Hua, China in the great mathematician, and his theory and research to China and the world play an important role in mathematics, like the friends of mathematics at the end of
- 帮助你解决华氏温度摄氏温度转化问题,让你在物理学习时有一双明亮的眼-help you resolve Fahrenheit temperature Celsius temperature conversion, and let you in the study of physics at a pair of bright eyes
- 可持续捕捞的概念意味着,如果每年通过自然死亡,捕捞和产卵繁殖补充,使得鱼群能够在每年年初捕捞开始时保持平衡不变,那么这样的捕捞策略就可以年复一年地一直持续下去,因此可持续捕捞的鱼群应该是模型(6)(7)(8)的平衡解,即模型不依赖于时间的-the concept of sustainable fishing, and if each year through natural causes, fishing and breed added, fish can be made in the begi
- 自己写的有关计算矩阵的小程序,好象有点错的地方,大家自己也看看啊-himself wrote the calculation of the matrix of small procedures, it seems a bit wrong place, we also look at the ah
- 书是针对工程上常用的行之有效的算法而编写的C语言函数程序集,在第一版的基础上作了修改和扩充。书中包括了近几年出现的许多新算法。全书分为数值计算与非数值计算两部分。其中数值计算部分的内容包括:线性代数方程组的求解、矩阵运算、矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值、数值积分、常微分方程(组)的求解、拟合与逼近、数据处理与回归分析、极值问题、数学变换与滤波、特殊函数、随机数的产生、多项式与连分式函数的计算、复数运算;非数值计算部分的内容包括:排序、查找、图形模式下读写屏幕象点、基本
- 审核ISBN的另一算法,或许不是最好的,但至少是鄙人刚学编程时的想法。在此各大家共勉。 -audit ISBN another algorithm, perhaps not the best, but at least I am just learning programming ideas. Here we all share.
- cache: you will be given a char at will and you should simulate the computer s memory and cache .-cache : you will be given a char at will and you should sim ulate the computer's memory and cache.
- 一个非常好的时钟程序,实时显示当前时间,可以指定在屏幕的任意位置,在屏幕边缘时自动放缩。-a very good clock procedures, real-time display the current time, the screen can be specified in an arbitrary position, at the edge of the screen automatically shrinking.
- calculates the precipitation anomaly at monthly/seasonal/yearly time scale (i.e. deviation in percent of the mean values for the reference period)