- 搜神记*源代码。 DLL的用法,非常有特色。请大家仔细看看DLL部分的源码,相信会有收获。-Soushenji external source. DLL usage, very characteristics. Please look carefully at the source DLL part, I believe there will be harvested.
- 暗黑代理转发,用于封包研究及BOT工具RedVex is a Diablo II proxy with plugin support. It supports plugins for all three types of Diablo II servers (chat, realm, game). To add a plugin simply add it to the "Plugins" folder and it will be automatically loaded at ap
- 本人做的DiabloII的装备管理器,是根据我的传感器网络数据收集器改的,可添加、编辑、查看搜集到的各种装备。目前做了所有暗金装备和部分绿色装备的数据库和图鉴,使用时请将执行文件与ItemData.mdb数据库和Picture文件夹放在同一目录下。 让我们共同期待DiabloIII的到来。-I do DiabloII equipment manager, is based on my data collection sensor network device change, you can
- 赤壁资源提取方法,大家看看吧 ,我也是转载得哟-Chibi resource extraction methods, let us look at it, I also have to reprint yo
- 我搜集到的“奇迹”脚本,原名为:轻松奇迹脚本连击版满敏30秒测试版-I have collected to the " miracle" scr ipt, formerly known as: Easy miracle combo version of the scr ipt at least 30 seconds Min beta
- 完美国际的*,简单的,对现在版本可能不能用了,但比我还菜鸟级的网友可以研究一下(为下载源码只好拿程序充数)-Perfect international plug-in, simple, and right now versions may not be used, but the rookie-level than I users can look at (to download the source code can only let the program make up the numb
- 适合所有游戏喊话用的程序源码。 大家感兴趣可以看看。本人没用过, E的。可以翻成VC-Suitable for all games statements and procedures used in source code. Everyone interested can look at. I never used, E' s. VC can be translated into
- 还记得上年的QQ和51.com的彩虹*大战吗?当时,我可是支持彩虹的,不过,他们现在倒了。。。呀... 没办法! 这个源码就是帮助彩虹隐藏QQ的恶意提示的。。。 当年,为了不躺混水。。。只在朋友间流传这个工具。现在事情久了,可以放出来了,供大家参考吧 更多的软件,请到我的网站上来看看吧~~ http://www.dingcrown.com/soft-Remember last year' s QQ and rainbow 51.com plug war
- At present, the source does not provide for me any interest, so I decided to share for you. I hope people like mauro will not put someone else s work as for herself and will respect all people that I put in credits. Source code adapted for main 1.0
- 最近大家,老是找游戏任务的源码,今天我就给大家发一个我自己写的源码,御龙在天,日常任务源码,采用大漠插件!大家可以看看学习下,-Recently we always find the source of the tasks of the game, I' ll tell you send a written source, the Dragon in the day, the day-to-day tasks source, desert plug! We can look at lear
- 发个自己写的 天龙人物信息读取源码 模块论坛里有的 本来想显示宝宝信息的 可是俺找不到基址啊 郁闷中 最近一直卡在OD上 游戏老挂啊有木有啊-By sending some write their own the Denon figures read source module Had wanted to show the baby information, but I can not find the base address of the depressed Recently
- 这里有两个是我用C#写的游戏*,一款是风靡一时的植物大战僵尸,另一款是高中时候喜欢玩的游戏血战上海滩,源码里所说的游戏基址,要通过工具来查询,这个工具需要我们的程序员懂得一点点汇编才能够真正的应用它,如果不懂,就看看汇编的资料,不要一看到汇编就说难,不要被困难而吓倒,其实到了最后,你会觉得很值得,不仅丰富了你的知识,而且又收获了玩游戏时开*的愉悦,何乐而不为呢,-Here are two that I use C# to write the game plug-in, a Zombies a
- 黑猫白猫能抓老鼠就是好猫,不服咱就拉csol好坏全能辅助出来溜溜。本款反恐精英ol*辅助支持双局防踢、新版夜视、解除脏话、双阵营踢出、无敌卡空和战神祝福等实用功能。同时可以为您保证csol好坏全能辅助是绝对安全无毒,防封号,玩家可以放心使用。而csol好坏全能辅助还有一个好处就是无论你是更换服务器还是重启游戏,全部不需要重启辅助,简单方便。-The cat can catch mice is a good cat, I took CSOL or refuses to accept power
- 6-4-12-1: First backup - scare, we almost lost every friggin file. Don t want that to happen again. - Room to room movement buggy: sometimes even a room is translated as a chamber - Wumpus isn t in the center - Wumpus can t be in a chamber - st
- A resource for Diablo 2 players. The pages are available at http://fabd.github.io/diablo2 There are two very handy resources I created by extracting the game data and running some Perl scr ipts: "bonuses" : a simple page that sorts