- 自己开发的俄罗斯方块源程序,感觉还不错,大家可以-its own source of Rubik's cube, I feel quite well, we will look at
- Cheat Master 0.1 For DevHook with src, Real In-Game Search/Modify! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro ===== This is a prx mod written for DevHook 0.4+, which is used to search and m
- 看看题目就一目了然了,很好用!,希望各位喜欢-look at the topic of a transparent, easy to use! , I hope you like
- 这个是我自己写的跳舞机游戏 大家下去玩玩吧 就是有点闪-this is what I wrote it myself at focusing on the game we play a game it is a little flash
- 程序目的: 输入一个任意大小的迷宫,用栈求出一条走出迷宫的路径,并 显示在屏幕上。 程序实现: 可以实现载入迷宫和保存迷宫,附带文件中有4个测试迷宫路径的 文件test1~4.dd。请将这些文件拷贝到TC当前目录下,或者在载 入时写明完全路径。由于屏幕大小的限制,当用户自己输入迷宫 时一定要注意:迷宫大小是有限制的,不小于4*3,不大于30*20。 否则会出现错误信息。输入开始时全是墙,用上下左右键移动, 用Del键删除墙,形成通路,用Enter键添加墙。输入结束时可以 将迷宫保存下来,以dd为
- Thanks for downloading my Logix RC flight simulator. This is a Micro$oft Visual C++ project, so it would be easiest for you to open it with MSVC++ but if you dont have it, you can always use your own compiler, the source files are all there. My progr
- 一个小的可爱的东东 是我一开始学习游戏编程时写的 只有简单的功能-a small cute one Wanton I started learning programming at the game was only a simple function
- 地形编辑器(可用鼠标调整地形高度) 开发工具:VC++2005,库:OpenGL This is a project I worked on for my Interactive Computer Graphics Class at Drexel University. The goal was to have editable terrain during runtime by clicking on the terrain to edit the height and textures th
- 一款自制俄罗斯方块游戏,自己早期写的,希望能给初学者带来帮助。-A simple russia game I wrote at early time,welcome to download to play and watch the source code.
- 这是一个我们常见的贪吃蛇的游戏源代码,在VC6.0上用C++编写的,技术含量虽然不高,但对于学习是非有帮助的,希望大家喜欢-This is a common Snake game source code, at VC6.0 using C++ on the preparation of the technical contents are not high, but there is help for the study of right and wrong, I hope everyone l
- 刚才上载贪吃蛇游戏的代码时,漏掉了这个kernel文件,不好意思,补上。大家可以看我发的另一个贪吃蛇游戏代码,两个结合起来用。我真不是为骗分啊,我不知怎么修改刚才发的那个,只好再发一个了。-Snake game just upload the code, the kernel files missing, I am sorry, make up. You can see I made another Snake game code, used to combine the two. I do n
- 一个炸弹人游戏。 Super IsoBomb is a project I worked on as a class project in winter quarter 2002-2003 at college for my 2D Game Programming course.-Super IsoBomb is a project I worked on as a class project in winter quarter 2002-2003 at college for my 2D
- FF8 program to alter enmies. I made a program that can alter the c0mXXX.dat files from battle.fs from FFVIII if anyone are interested. I named it ifrit! evil This proggy can not directly edit the battle.fs. At least not yet. You need to extract
- c#+XNA 2D游戏开发教程(3)这一部分我们将完成的工作是在工程中添加Asset,听上去好像很复杂,Asset是什么?添加到工程又是什么概念?那其实是很简单的事情,我会通过三个部分的解说包括实际的操作方法来说明这次的章节,看不懂的可以看视频的,那么接下去就正式开始写了。 一、Visual Studio的用法。 这就是我说的三个部分中的第一个,VS的解说。肯定很多看到这里的人要不耐烦了,你弄这种东西干什么啊,都来看XNA了当然会C#会.net会VS-c#+ XNA 2D game develo
- 又一个贪吃蛇i游戏的源码,虽然每一款贪吃蛇的玩法都相同,但是编程的算法却不同,本贪吃蛇有要是应用到VC++的循环队列和简单链表原理实现的,用键盘上的W/A/S/D键分别控制蛇身移动,越接越长,在游戏开始前,蛇身、食物数量可以自己设置,提醒一下,这个游戏需要你的视力特别好哦,要不然看不清楚的。-======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION
- 冠军之路里的一个熔岩团小兵对话获得2.壳化石A:幻象某处。。。3.壳化石B:复活了壳化石A以后,到化石迷家最深处4.触手百合:幻影岛,最上面那层里面能任选1个化石,我选择的是触手百合。幻影岛进入方法:与吉纳镇右下角屋中一老伯说话,他说看到幻影岛后到沙漠就可以看到了复活地点:双鹿镇精灵中心一女npc对话,到吉纳镇精灵中心一男npc领取。ps:好像要一下全复活的,我第一次只复活了秘密琥珀和壳化石A,后来拿到壳化石B就不行了,不过天力公司还可以复活-Champion of the road in a
- 我自己写的一个RPG控制台小游戏啊很垃圾的看着都想把它删了给大家看看啊-I wrote it myself a RPG console games are garbage looking at all ah want it deleted for everyone to see ah
- 本程序解决的通用问题是输入四个数,通过四则运算获取指定解的问题。 典型的是四数求二十四问题(算24点问题,又叫4张牌求24点问题,求24问题)。比如说给出7,-7,3,-3如何用+-*/)(运算符号,不重复的利用这四个数求得结果为24?不要认为这类问题简单,它其实有16896种可能的排列方法 而且,即使不用括号也有成百上千种可能 甚至,你不知道它是否有解。显然,用人脑解决一般是很费时费力的。重复性强的脑力活动交给程序办比较合适。同时,也应一个作家教的同学的要求(她被这样的初中题目难倒过,偏偏
- This a simple puzzle game consisting of a set of blocks which you must eliminate. It is basically a clone of I.Q. AKA Kurushi. The aim is to remove the incoming blocks by "capturing" them before they reach the end of the map, with the exception of th
- this was the first program I did in c++ for the course Programming 2 at University of Costa Rica, the game scrabble