CORE 图形系统
- Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by quotes \"...\" may follow a pair
- MFC中Track类的使用,代替异或笔实现橡皮条图形-MFC Track category of use, or replace the T-rubber realization of graphics
- 消息中有什么? 是否觉得一个消息记录中的信息像希腊语一样?如果是这样,那么看一看下面的解释: hwnd 32位的窗口句柄。窗口可以是任何类型的屏幕对象,因为Win32能够维护大多数可视对象的句柄(窗口、对话框、按钮、编辑框等)。 message 用于区别其他消息的常量值,这些常量可以是Windows单元中预定义的常量,也可以是自定义的常量。 wParam 通常是一个与消息有关的常量值,也可能是窗口或控件的句柄。 lParam 通常是一个指向内存中
- 非真实感绘制的例子 The goal of this project is to explore the idea of point-based radiosity, which is a shooting radiosity technique suggested by Mark Harris at UNC. The primary idea is that features available in graphics hardware can be utilized to p
- this is a cirle program.please i just want the 2c2.-this is a cirle program.please i just want t he 2c2.
- 中点划线 中点划线 -crossed the midpoint midpoint crossed crossed t he midpoint midpoint midpoint crossed crossed the midpoint line
- cad二次开发lisp源码,含演示,源码及编译文件 (gpselable 组名 key) 改变单个组的可选择性。 (gpsselable key) 改变所有组的可选择性。 参数: key = 0 不可选 1 可选 T,nil 或任何非0,1的字符、数字, 循环切换开关。
- CxImage 6.00 CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, and transform images in a very simple and fast way. The class CxImage is free as for the TIFF, JPEG, PNG and ZLIB libraries : \"If you use this source code in a product, acknowl
- 从用c语言编出程序要用文件输入数据。 绘制二次B样条曲线的表达式: P(0,2)(t)=P0*G(0,2)(t)+P1*G(1,2)(t)+P2*G(2,2)(t) 0<=t<=1-from using language out to document procedures with the input data. Drawing II B-spline curves of expression : P (0,2) (t) = P0 * G (0,2) (t) * G P1 (1,2
- 图像处理,包括统计图像的灰度直方图,若其直方图呈双峰且有明显的谷,则将谷所对应的灰度值t作为阈值适用于:目标和背景的灰度差较大,有明显谷的情况。 改进:可采用灰度加权产生新直方图,得到更大的峰谷比。 -this is iamge chuli
- 三次Bezier曲线法的扫描转换程序:可以通过四个控制点来确定P(t)取不同的t时对应的二维坐标。用三次Bezier曲线绘制的一片花瓣和一根曲线。-Three Bezier curve scan conversion process: the four control points can be determined by P (t) at t different from the corresponding two-dimensional coordinates. Bezier curve w
- autocad GB-T 1182-1996形状和位置公差通则、定义、符号和图样表示法 -autocad GB-T 1182-1996 General shape and position tolerances, definitions, symbols and drawings notation
- 次文件是开发数据采集软件的一部分,也就是没有做完。其中控件按无法等比列变化。但数据绘图功能以完成。-this a capture data from CCd and draw a good graph.but I can t do well.because the control can t change
- 本程序完成的是一个类似于Windows画图板的画图程序。 整个程序界面很简洁,一目了然,与大多数Windows的应用程序的风格一样。在左上方的菜单栏里有文件、色彩、线条粗细、帮助4个下拉式菜单,可以对绘图文件进行相应的操作。下面一排是工具按钮的工具栏,从左到右依次为:新建文件、打开文件、保存文件、随笔画、直线、空心矩形、实心矩形、空心椭圆、实心椭圆、空心圆、实心圆、空心圆角矩形、实心圆角矩形、橡皮擦、颜色选择按钮、线条粗细设置按钮、文字添加按钮、粗细字体选择框、斜体字体选择框、字体选择下拉
- T形截面偏心受压正截面验算,只要按照混凝土结构设计原理看很容易看懂,设计院常用-T-shaped cross-section checking eccentric compression is, as long as the design of concrete structures in accordance with the principle, likely to understand, institute common
- 计算混沌时间序列时间延迟与相空间重构重构的程序-computing the chaos time seris the time delay and reconstructiong in the sytem
- 本手册参考了AutoCAD 2000 中文版《AutoLISP 函数》的内容,并根据新版本进行扩充,同时也增加了在原英文版本《AutoLISP 函数参考》中没有提供的几个函数的解释。 -This manual reference the AutoCAD 2000 Chinese version "AutoLISP function", and the content of the new version to expand according to, also increased a in
- matlab程序语言,图像增强算法的代码- Function [U, minv, SS] = Nonlinear_Diffusion (U_0, tau, eps, p, T, theta, sigma, fig_handle) Performs nonlinear scalar valued and coupled vector/matrix valued diffusion Inputs: U_0 nxmx dxw input field: D = 1, w
- The purpose of this code is to share this dashboard control that I developed with everyone as when I first went about designing it I couldn t find any examples on the net that would help me to design one. I hope this helps alot of people out there th
- 结合access数据库,自动绘制气象三线图,省去了手工绘制的麻烦,并加入了e-t曲线绘制。可以供基层气象局的朋友参考。-Combination of database access, automatic drawing meteorological three-line graph, and save the trouble of hand-painted, and joined et curve drawing. Friends for primary Meteorological Burea