- 给出了二次函数的Julia集分形图的概念及逃逸时间算法绘制复杂分形图的基本原理,对Julia集给出了严格的数学定义.逃逸时间算法即取定迭代次数界限N,经N次迭代后,若x点仍在给定的区域内,则认为x是分形A中的点 否则x不是分形A中的点.该算法同样适用于Mandelbrot集、Sierpinski三角形等其他复杂分形图.试验表明,该算法绘制的Julia集分形图准确有效、优美清晰,算法简单实用. -given quadratic function of the Julia set fracta
- Take two pictures with slightly different camera positions Find corner points and the correspondences in both pictures Geometric image transformation T Apply the transformation T to register the distorted image to the reference image Show the
- 现在大多数图像的复制和粘贴,篡改检测算法对于区域复制后的进一步混合处理不能进行有效检验。-Most of the existing detection algorithms for image copy-move forgery cann t effectively detect the sequential mixed image forgeries.
- 计算赫斯特指数Calculates the generalized Hurst exponent H(q) of a stochastic variable x(t) (a time series) the scaling of the renormalized q-moments of the distribution <|x(t+r)-x(t)|^q>/<x(t)^q> ~ r^[qH(q)] The value of H(q) give indi
- 快速制作分形图工具,如果不了解分形图,BT去吧。-请输入文字或网站地址,您也可以直接上传文档。 取消 Kuàisù zhìzuò fēnxíng tú gōngjù, rúguǒ bù liǎojiě fēnxíng tú,BT qù ba.Quickly create fractal mapping tool, if you do not understand the fractal graph, BT go.
- fz作业,老师叫我们回家做的滥作业,相信大家不会想下载 不错的(Fz homework, the teacher told us to go home with the abuse of homework, I believe you won't want to download)
- 对小波系数的s变换,t+s变换,以及变换系数的规范化,很好的(S transformation of wavelet coefficients, the t + s transformation, as well as the standardization of the transform coefficient, very good)