- 用matlab写的t-snake的算法用于处理比较简单的情况有一定参考价值-using Matlab write t-snake algorithm for handling simple reference of a certain value
- 车牌定位使用说明 使用时打开此例题目录下pic中的图片,然后依次单击按钮“转”、“1”、“2”、“3”、“4”和“5”,就可以实现精确的车牌定位。 具体步骤 1.24位真彩色->256色灰度图。 2.预处理:中值滤波。 3.二值化:用一个初始阈值T对图像A进行二值化得到二值化图像B。 初始阈值T的确定方法是:选择阈值T=Gmax-(Gmax-Gmin)/3,Gmax和Gmin分别是最高、最低灰度值。 该阈值对不同牌照有一
- This package contains the source code and the reference manual of the Intel Computer Vision Library. It is a great tool for image processing. -This package contains the source code and t he reference manual of the Intel Computer Visio n Library. It i
- AppWizard has created this bmptest application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of
- 分而治之方法还可以用于实现另一种完全不同的排序方法,这种排序法称为快速排序(quick sort)。在这种方法中, n 个元素被分成三段(组):左段l e f t,右段r i g h t和中段m i d d l e。中段仅包含一个元素。左段中各元素都小于等于中段元素,右段中各元素都大于等于中段元素。因此l e f t和r i g h t中的元素可以独立排序,并且不必对l e f t和r i g h t的排序结果进行合并。m i d d l e中的元素被称为支点( p i v o t )。图1 4
- 射线法判断点是否在多边形内部.多边形顶点坐标通过文件polygon.txt输入,点的从标从键盘输入.-ray method to judge whether a polygon internal. Polygon vertices through documents polygon.tx t input, from the point of targets from the keyboard input.
- The code is an implementation of the phase-based optical flow algorithm described in Gautama, T. and Van Hulle, M.M. (2002)-The code is an implementation of the phase - based optical flow algorithm described in Gaut Na'ama, and T. Van Hulle, M.
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage grew together with the CodeProject site, since 2001, and reached this level thanks to the CodeProject community. Thanks a lot for the sug
- This set of MATLAB tools consists of some functions that I have found useful for basic image processing and blob analysis. The functions have been tested for MATLAB Version (R11) on PCWIN. Many of the files must be run as MEX files
- Iterative Watershed Segmentation (IWS) This code is free of charges and it can be used for demonstration and evaluation purposes only. It is not allowed to use this code in any commercial purpose. The author s approval must be requested for an
- curve the image in a picture. to calculate the value so to find the edge of the image-curve to the image in a picture. To calculate t he value so to find the edge of the image
- help to sort out the image from the picture to do the snake-help to sort out the image from the picture t o do the snake
- The file alignImages.m contains the entry function alignImages(.....) The input images should be in grayscale and converted to double type. For futher help please refer to the documentation within the code files.-The file contains the entry alig
- Converts a monochrome mosaiced TIFF file to simulator format. 在matlab上运行,去除模糊图像,重影。-Converts a monochrome TIFF file mosaiced t o simulator format. In Matlab run, remove fuzzy images ghost.
- matlab6.5 Figure pattern process source program, it s better to have the books to read consulting together -matlab6.5 Figure pattern p source process rogram. it's better to have the books to read consulting t ogether
- matlab Haralick Texture Features Matlab Toolbox-Matlab Haralick Texture Features Matlab T oolbox
- Author: Fahd Ahmad Abbasi Summary: Matches two pictures given as arguments. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Descr iption: The function takes two images as argument and using edge detection checks whethe
- The code implements the optical flow algorithm described in Gautama, T. and Van Hulle, M.M. (2002). A Phase-based Approach to the Estimation of the Optical Flow Field Using Spatial Filtering,IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 13(5), 1127--1136. The al
- ECG信号处理获得各种features,包括P和T波的参数,该程序使用的数据来自mit database 如果要执行该程序,要修改ECG 信号的源文件目录-ECG signal processing to obtain a variety of features, including the P and T-wave parameters, the program uses data from mit database
- 对图像分割自动获取阈值T的确定算法研究程序-Automatic acquisition of image segmentation to determine the threshold T, algorithm research program