- Source Insight是一个面向项目开发的程序编辑器和代码浏览器,它拥有内置的对C/C++, C#和Java等程序的分析。Source Insight能分析你的源代码并在你工作的同时动态维护它自己的符号数据库,并自动为你显示有用的上下文信息。-Source Insight is a project development-oriented program editor and code browser, it has built on the C/C++, C#, and Java pro
- 利用字符二维数组对文法、First集、Follow集、终结符集、非终结符集等数据进行存储,还有一个是状态表存储DFA的状态。二维TAB表对其中的DFA表进行存储,横坐标是状态号,纵坐标为文法中的符号(终结符和非终结符)。-Two-dimensional array of characters to use grammar, First Set, Follow sets, at the end of sets, sets and other non-terminator data storage,
- 基于430产生PWM波,可以任意调节频率-Based on 430 PWM wave, can be adjusted at the frequency
- typeof,编译时获取表达式类型运算符,是gcc编译器的一个扩展(intel编译器 也支持). 笔者最近作一个项目时需要用比较hack的手段把第三方的dll(无lib但有头文件)里面的外部函数以函数指针的方式提取出来给其他模块作全局变量用,500多个函数呀,声明函数指针可不是个轻松事,类型名字至少排满一行,写了50多个就受不了了. 找了boost的typeof,把里面的代码大幅度简化,提炼,去掉一些依赖.请使用TYPEOF宏,无任何运行时开销。 本版本利用了vc6的1个bug(子类
- pic12f683单片机在PICC上的PWM初始化模块及应用 -pic12f683 microcontroller for PWM at the PICC and its application to initialize module
- 编写简易编译器,能发现分隔符匹配的错误如括号、注释符的匹配问题,都能检测出来-delimiter matching The simple algorithm uses a stack and is as follows: Make an empty stack. Read characters until end of file. If the character is an open anything, push it onto the stack. If it is a close
- 递归子程序法:对应每个非终结符语法单元编一个独立的处理过程(或子程序)。语法分析从读入第一个单词开始,由非终结符<程序>(即开始符)出发,沿语法描述图箭头所指出的方向进行分析。当-Recursive Subroutine law: at the end of the corresponding syntax for each non-unit provision of an independent process (or subprogram). Parsing from the f
- 本手册页内容摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义. 除非有人自愿维护,否则本手册页不再更新.如果发现手册页和软件之间有所矛盾,请查对Info文件, Info文件是权威文档. 如果我们发觉本手册页的内容由于过时而导致明显的混乱和抱怨时,我们就停止发布它.不可能有其他选择,象更新Info文件同时更新man手册,因为其他维护GNU CC的工作没有留给我们时间做这个. GNU工程认为man手册是过时产物,应该把时间用到别的地方.-This manual page is an ex
- PASCAL子集转换为C语言的程序,语法请自己查看myparse.y文件-PASCAL subset is converted to C language, syntax files at your own view myparse.y
- ATA/ATAPI-5规范 ATA接口相关开发的标准-This standard specifies the AT Attachment Interface between host systems and storage devices. It provides a common attachment interface for systems manufacturers, system integrators, software suppliers, and suppliers
- 本组件是继作者原“艾恩ASP无组件上传类”修改整合而成, 具有和无组件上传类相同的功能,并且具有无组件类不能相比的优越性能。 能实现的功能主要包括:自由提取表单数据、自由限制上传扩展名、自由限制上传大小、自由选择文件保存类型(原文件名和时间随机命名), 即可以单个文件上传又可以多个文件批量上传,同时可以提取文件的二进制数据,以方便保存到数据库-This component is the author of the original " non-iron ASP upload
- GAG Version 4.6 GAG (Gestor de Arranque Gráfico) — Graphical boot manager for multiple OSes. Get more info at http://gag.sourceforge.net/index.html
- SATA协议的中文概括。英文的好几百页,看英文头疼的可以先看看中文的,注意不是协议的完整翻译-The SATA protocol of Chinese generally. Hundreds of pages of the English, watching English headaches can take a look at Chinese, attention is not a complete translation of the agreement
- 本文提出的多功能数字温度计系统设计, 采用了AT 89S52 单片机、DS18B20 单总线数字温度传感器、DS1302 时钟日历芯片、ISD1420 语音录放芯片等器件。该数字温度计的测量范围为0~ 120 e , 可实现多点测控。显示分辨 率为0. 1 e , 误差[ ? 0. 5 e 。交替显示实时日期、时间、温度 通过按键设置日期、时间、报警温度的上限和下限值。 当温度超过设定的上限或下限时, 能发出声、光报警提示。能实现实时语音播报日期、时间、温度等。该系统具有测量 精
- an advance data type to represent a student at PMU. Name this class PMUStudent". The following should be the members of this class: 1- string name //this member will hold the name of the student 2- string major //this member will tell the major o
- During his long sea voyages, Captain Cook was often absent in the evenings and eventually the crew began to joke that he must have a mistress in his cabin. When they discovered that the Captain had simply been playing this game with the ship s scien
- 7Segment Driver To Show numer at seven segment
- Delphi单元前缀修改工具 工具需要修改的内容: 需要修改的文件列表: 1) 单元文件修改:同时也要修改uses列表中的内容,单元头 2) 类名修改:以TOldPrefix开头的符号,修改成TNewPrefix开头的符号 3) 对象或变量名修改1:以fOldPrefix开头的符号,修改成fNewPrefix的符号 4) 对象或变量名修改2:以OldPrefix开头的符号,修改成NewPrefix的符号 一个词中,有OldPrefix,且
- 2 Introduction This educational software simulates an Ad-hoc network with AODV algorithm, it uses a high level view and only works in Routing layer. it has a user-friendly graphical user interface and has been written in java language. Here is
- File list(time 2002041614~2009101810)(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): C52_RAM .......\Last Loaded RAM.DBK .......\main.c .......\main.LST .......\main.OBJ .......\ram .......\RAM.DSN