- 用VC编的用于实时地对录音的轨迹的测试。可以自动显示-It is developed with VC.It can test the trail of speech at realtime and provide an auto display.
- 语音信号的频域处理,语音虽然是一个时变、非平稳的随机过程。但在短时间内可近似看作是平稳的。因此如果能从带噪语音的短时谱中估计出“纯净”语音的短时谱,即可达到语音增强的目的。由于噪声也是随机过程,因此这种估计只能建立在统计模型基础上。利用人耳感知对语音频谱分量的相位不敏感的特性,这类语音增强算法主要针对短时谱的幅度估计。 -voice signals in the frequency domain processing, voice is a time-varying, nonstationa
- Title: MMSE Receiver for DS-SS in AWGN Channel Author: Panson Tantikovit Summary: An adaptive receiver for DS-SS systems MATLAB Release: R12.1 Required Products: Communications Toolbox,Signal Processing Blockset Descr iption: This
- 一个什么都能做的语音处理软件,Manual segmentation of speech waveforms - creates label files which can be used to train speech recognition systems Waveform editing - cutting, copying or pasting speech segments Formant analysis - displays formant tracks of F1,
- This part of a larger project on speech recognition we developed at ORT Braude college. The aim of the project is to activate programs on your desktop or panel by voice.
- 实现如下的功能: 在电话语音识别中需要识别电话号码,这需要识别0到9十个数字,而识别前首 先需要训练这十个数字,请编写程序设计一个电话号码表,要求数字组数最少。其中:每一组数字都是八位(例如:62 781 704),0到9十个数字中每两个数字之间至少连接一次(象62781707,其中出现了:6-2、2—7、7-8、8—1、1—7、7—0、0—7七个连接,7-0和0¬ —7是不同的连接),每个数字在开头、结尾至少各出现一次(象62781707其中,6在开头出现一认,7在结尾出现一次)
- FastICA算法,用于信号的独立分量分析,在ICA的基础上加快了收敛速度,有更高的效率!并且增加了图象界面,使用方便!-FastICA algorithm, the signal for an independent component analysis, at the ICA on the basis of accelerating the convergence rate, a more efficient! And to increase the image user interface
- XChat TTS scr ipt is an perl written XChat2 scr ipt that speaks out messages in irc channels, and more. It provides an interface to setup the functions or view the online help. -XChat TTS is an perl scr ipt written XChat2's at 5 that speaks out m
- 语音识别系统,美国cmu大学开发的基于hmm模型的语音识别系统-voice recognition system, developed at the University of the United States cmu hmm model based on the Speech Recognition System
- 这是一个用vc开发的语音识别系统,很好用的,大家都来看看阿-This is a development with vc Speech Recognition System, the good, we all look at the A
- 该程序主要是对于两路CDMA中得两端语音信号得处理-the program for two main roads at both ends of CDMA in a speech signal processing
- 在某特定系统上的语音识别算法,里面有部分c程序,英文版-at a particular system on speech recognition algorithm, which is part c procedures, in English
- This part of a larger project on speech recognition we developed at ORT Braude college. The aim of the project is to activate programs on your desktop or panel by voice.
Paris ica
- ica 权威paris在很久以前写的ica算法程序,稍作修改可以用于声音信号识别。-Paris, one of the authorities of ICA, created the program at long time ago. It can be used to recognise speech signal if modify a little.
- 可以在CCS中运行的LPCC程序,包括语音参数分析主函数,信号的自相关函数,由自相关函数计算LPC预测系数,由LPC预测系数计算LPC倒谱系数,由LPC预测系数计算MEl到普系数等函数,CCS can be run at the LPCC procedures, including analysis of voice parameters of the main function, the signal autocorrelation function, autocorrelation func
- 在你的软件中加入文本朗读,混读功能,支持中文,英文男女声混合朗读,免费提供多种语音库 ,在朗读文本时,可以自由设定朗读语音,语速,音量 并可以将文本朗读到Wave文件中去. 朗读时高亮显示文字功能,朗读是否结束的信息.-At the software you add text to read, read mixed function, support Chinese, English mixed male and female voices reading aloud, free databa
- 已经编译好了的HTK工具包,具有语音识别等功能,代码齐全,同时具有参考手册-Has been compiled of the HTK toolkit, with features such as voice recognition, code complete, at the same time with reference manual
- 使用c++自己编写的关于语音识别技术的一个源程序,目的在于互相帮助提高-Use c++ I have written on the voice recognition technology, a source program aimed at helping each other improve
- % this a experiment that input is done using the sound card %2003,6,3 %Usage:[second,voltage,frequency,magnitude]=soundin (VoiceFrequencyFactor,rate) %VoiceFrequencyFactor is set as 1/8 and rate as 8000, when the Frequency is % below 40hz ro
- 语音识别源代码,自定义字典。同时有成品的dll封装库-Speech recognition source code, custom dictionary. At the same time there is finished package dll library