- 一个朋友为从UNIX上传递尾部带半个汉字的xml脚本,导至系统异常,困扰了至少半年之久。所以用VC++作了一个演示,解决了这个跨平台的,不大不小的难题。-from a friend to pass on UNIX with half a tail of the Chinese characters xml scr ipt, lead to a system anomaly, beset at least six months long. Therefore, the use of VC made
- 用c++写的分词算法,简单,实用,详情看里面的帮助文件!-using c + + to write the sub-term algorithm is simple, practical, inside look at the details of the help files!
- 将bmf在DOS下显示出来,看字库的实际效果。-cake will be displayed in DOS, and look at the actual results of characters.
- 整理资料时发现了大一时C程序设计的大作业,是一个简单的联系人管理系统,有一千多行代码吗,界面布局和菜单风格都是仿照 Turbo C 做的。 在C中表现图形界面是一件很痛苦的事情,于是就做了一个折中的选择,这个程序中的“图形界面”实际上是使用字符模仿的,但工程量仍然不小,大概有一半左右的代码花在了界面的描绘上。 程序的注释非常详细,现在看起来也一点不吃力,结构也比较清晰,界面和功能基本上是分开的,扩充和修改都很容易。对于C语言的初学者来说,应该是一个不错的范例,认真看一看肯定会
- HILBERT-HUANG TANSFORM中进行EDM时端点延拓-SYSTEMS-CSF TANSFORM EDM conducted at the endpoint Extension
- 汉字区位码查询程序,每次显示一个区的全部汉字,方便编程人员查询使用。-area code inquiry procedures, each one of the show all Chinese characters, convenient to use programming staff at the inquiry.
- 实用的简繁体中文转换成拼音全拼Java类,可以转换GBK字符集中的所有汉字,使用非常简单,只需按照main()函数中的测试例子调用即可。目前,对于多音字的处理还有待完善。-practical Jane English phonetic spelling converted into Java classes, GBK characters can be converted concentrate all the characters, using very simple, only in acc
- 本实验主要是编制和调试一个自制时钟,在屏幕右上角显示当时的时间:按хх.хх.хх形式显示,并且能正确进位,24小时应清零。同时,在显示时间时,DOS系统能正确处理各种命令,正确执行应用程序。-this experiment is compiled and debug a homemade clock in the upper right screen shows the time : by Xx. Xx. Xx form, and can correct rounding, 24 hours
- 不用说了!看看就明白了!-Needless to say! Look at understand!
- 一个以前写的东东,使用idhttp提交到国外顶级翻译网站实行翻译功能,翻译准确率比金山快译2005的全文翻译要准确多了,至少我是这样认为的。韩文翻译有编码问题,还请高手改改,改好记得要给我传份。简繁互译问题今天整理的时候才发现有问题,服务器不能准确的进行简繁互译,其他语言换繁体都没有问题,不是程序本身问题-before writing a saucepan, use idhttp submitted to the translation of the top foreign websites t
- MFC编程,功能是查词典(用户可自己导入文本),分词,统计词频,还可以保存结果!我们MFC课的期末作业,强烈推荐!-MFC programming function is to check dictionary (users can import their own version), participle, statistical, frequency, the results can be saved! We MFC class at the end operations, strongly
- MATLAB名字由MATrix和 LABoratory 两词的前三个字母组合而成。那是20世纪七十年代后期的事:时任美国新墨西哥大学计算机科学系主任的Cleve Moler教授出于减轻学生编程负担的动机,为学生设计了一组调用LINPACK和EISPACK库程序的“通俗易用”的接口,此即用FORTRAN编写的萌芽状态的MATLAB。-MATLAB name from MATrix LABoratory two words and three letters of combinations. It
- 为特定文本文件中的汉字生成小汉字库。目前,GBK取字模程序段有问题,请高手指正。,Generates a small hz lib for Chinese characters in a given text file. At present, GBK font data getting is problematic, please correct me master.
Gb2Big ,进行GB码和BIG5码之间的双向转换
- 代码实现了对一组字符串内存,进行GB码和BIG5码之间的双向转换,采用中间件方式输出。编译后生成ATL COM组件,可以供Windows平台的应用软件和ASP网站中使用。文件中同时包含了一个VB做的简单的调用例子。,Code to achieve a set of strings of memory, BIG5 to GB code and two-way code conversion, the use of middleware output. After the compiler to g
- 维纳滤波器在小波变换域的应用 维纳滤波的基本原理,Filter at the application of wavelet transform domain
- ICU是多国语言处理最权威的跨平台跨语言开发包,涉及多语种处理的方方面面。也是Unicode组织官方推荐的开发包。Java底层的多语言处理就是采用ICU4j。因为Java内核已经集成进去了,Java程序员可以在这方面少花许多脑筋。 一句话,如果用C++处理文本编码问题,ICU4c是不二之选。-ICU was originally developed by the Taligent company. The Taligent team later became the Unicode grou
- 中科院分词系统VC++版本,在VS2005下编译通过,含有所有源代码,可以保证在中科院算法上,自己添加新的想法,或者对已有的算法进行优化。-Word Segmentation System, Chinese Academy of Sciences VC++ version at compile under VS2005 passed, containing all the source code, algorithms can guarantee at the Chinese Academy o
- 在LabVIEW中实现多语种用户界面转换的实用例程 LabVIEW Versions: Created with LabVIEW 9.0-Descr iption PassaMak is an API for realising multi-lingual user interfaces in labview. Overview: PassaMak is an alternative to the established methods of creating mult
- The random walker algorithm was introduced in the paper: Leo Grady and Gareth Funka-Lea, "Multi-Label Image Segmentation for Medical Applications Based on Graph-Theoretic Electrical Potentials", in Proceedings of the 8th ECCV04, Workshop on Compute
- reader at work. english study book