- 使用labview实现交通灯的源代码,并有仿真。-Use labview to achieve the traffic lights at the source code, and simulation.
- 简易计算器,实现加、减、乘、处、开方等功能。-Simple calculator to add, subtract, multiply, at the square root function.
- 读大学的时候,设计的一款声卡频谱分析仪,已经测试过的,很好用,希望对新手有帮助。-University at the time, the design of a sound card spectrum analyzer has been tested, with good, helpful to the novice.
- 实现录音并且保存录下的语音文件,同时能够进行播放,播放时可暂停-Recording and save the recorded voice files to be able to play at the same time, to pause playback
- 这是一个关于for循环的程序,此程序是在matlab9.0版本上编写的,同时这是一个通用的程序,仅供大家参考。-This is a for loop program, this program is on in matlab9.0 versions written, at the same time, this is a common procedure, only for your reference.
- 这是一个关于显示成绩的程序,此程序是在labview9.0版本上编写的,同时是一个通用的程序,仅供参考。-This is a show achievements of the program, this program is written in the labview9.0 version, at the same time is a common procedure for reference only.
- 这是一个关于数字波形的程序,此程序是在labview9.0版本上编写的,同时是一个通用的程序,仅供参考。-This is a digital waveform program, this program is written in the labview9.0 version, at the same time is a common procedure for reference only.
- 摘 要 针对实现液罐的监测与控制系统,采用下位机:以C52单片机为核心,控制HC-SR04超声波测距模块和DS18B20分别对液面高度和液罐中温度进行测量。上位机:在PC机中通过LabVIEW进行编程,其主要功能为:数字时钟、液罐液位的模拟、波形图、液位超限的报警功能、液位控制的自动和手动模式、以及对数据进行存储。单片机对液位和温度的数据进行采集后,LabVIEW可选择性的使其在面板中进行显示,同时还可发送指令给单片机控制进水阀和出水阀的开闭,也可通过自动模式对液位进行控制。相比于传统控制系统,
- 舵机控制程序,可供参考,按键后,旋转一个角度。-Servo control procedures available, buttons, rotate at an angle.
- 创建前面板,该前面板有8个led指示器和一个8位无符号整数的垂直滑动条控件。显示滑动条带有数字指示器,确保led均匀分布并且排列在底部。要求实现8个led的亮灭状态与滑动条中数字的二进制相对应。(十进制与二进制转换)-Create a front panel, the front panel having 8 LED indicator and a 8 bit unsigned integer vertical sliding strip controls.Display the slider
- 构建VI,每秒显示一个1到100之间的随机整数。与此同时计算并显示最后产生的4个随机整数的平均值。只有产生4个数后才显示平均值,否则显示0。每次随机数大于60时,使用Beep.vi产生蜂鸣声.整个程序延时间隔控制为1.5秒。-Construction of a second VI, showed a 1 to 100 between the random integer.At the same time calculation and display the final generated 4
- labview图像处理,主要程序,各位帮忙看一下,有哪些地方需要改进-labview image processing program, you help to look at what areas need improvement
- 基于虚拟仪器开发平台LabVIEW的平台,给出了数字滤波器的设计方案。利用该滤波器对模拟信号进行了滤波和频谱分析,结果较为符合实际。在对虚拟仪器进行开发的同时,掌握LabVIEW编程语言,对虚拟仪器的构成、实现手段和开发方法有了一定的认识。 该数字滤波器操作简单,功能较多,并有很好的滤波等优点。-Based on the development platform of LabVIEW virtual instrument platform, design of digital filter is
- 调制解调器(即Modem),是计算机与电话线之间进行信号转换的装置,由调制器和解调器两部分组成,调制器是把计算机的数字信号(如文件等)调制成可在电话线上传输的声音信号的装置,在接收端,解调器再把声音信号转换成计算机能接收的数字信号。-Modem (Modem), is a computer and telephone line between a signal conversion device that consists of two parts, modulator and demodula
- 位移台的扫描程序,在x,y方向的移动,没隔一段距离,采集一次数据的程序-The displacement station scanning procedures, moving in the x, y direction, no at a distance, capture time data in the process
- Relative Orientation with Outliers This is an implementation of the algorithm from Two View Geometry Esti-mation with Outliers by Olof Enqvist and Fredrik Kahl published at BMVC in London 2009.
- Basic Labview Programs to get you started. (Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom)
- 使用图形化的方法显示傅里叶变换的一些性质(至少应包括时移性质和尺度变换性质) 对于信号的时移和频谱的关系,选择一个信号,让它在时域上作移位,可调节不同的时移大小,然后用软件演示其傅立叶变换在幅度上几乎没有变换,但在相位上会有变化。 对于信号的时间与频率的尺度变换,给出一个信号,保持其幅度不变,让信号的宽度发生变化,再观察其频域的变化。-Using a graphical method to display some of the properties of the Fourier tra
- 使用For循环产生100个0~1之间的随机数,并同时判定当前随机数的最大值和最小值-For loop to generate 100 random numbers between 0 and 1, and at the same time to determine the minimum and maximum values of the current random number
- Q-learning (Watkins, 1989) is a simple way for agents to learn how to act optimally in controlled Markovian domains. It amounts to an incremental method for dynamic programming which imposes limited computational demands. It works by successively