- 各个进程在运行时可以动态得到该进程所运行机器的名字-processes at runtime can be dynamic of the process are running the names machines
- 昨天在论坛上看到有人帖出了他写的并串转换VHDL代码,但是他自己说有问题,但是不知道怎么改。我大概看了一下,发现思路还是比较乱的。于是就写下了我自己的并串转换代码。-yesterday at the forum see someone points out his writing and string conversion VHDL code, But he said there are problems, but does not know how reform. I probably wat
- 从其他网站下载的经典蚁群算法,对初学者非常有用,请看看。-downloaded from other websites of the classic ant algorithm, very useful for beginners, please look at.
- 利用最少回合數 對於給定一個字串 再給定一些參考字元 利用替換掉字元來達到與給定的字串為目的-use for at least a few rounds to set a string to give up some reference to the use of characters to replace characters to meet and the string for the purpose of
- 计算机算法基础 里面有一些计算机的基础算法 初学着可以-computer algorithm based computer There is the basis of learning algorithm to look at
- 本人写的一个快速排序的程序,同时写出了用openmp进行的并行计算程序,并且对于串行和并行进行了时间的比较,希望对于初学openmp的同志有所帮助!-I was sort of a fast process, at the same time to write with the openmp parallel computing procedures, and serial and parallel for a comparison of the time, I hope for the beg
- MPI并行计算模拟退火算法,可以设置处理器结点个数,比较不同节点个数时的计算时间-MPI parallel computing simulated annealing algorithm, you can set the number of processor nodes, the number of different nodes at the time of computing time
- mpi实现并行排序算法,可以设置处理器节点个数并比较不同节点数目时的计算时间-mpi parallel sorting algorithm, you can set the number of processor nodes and compare the different number of nodes at the time of computing time
- 帮助学校更快捷方便的完成考试,学生老师省心,家长放心。-Help schools more efficient and convenient to complete the examination, students worry teachers, parents at ease.
- 可以实现乘法运算,在原来的基础之上有了一定的修改,使得算法更加简便-Multiplication can be achieved, at the basis of the original must have the revised algorithm makes it easier
- VHDL串并转换源程序,可以实现信号在串行和并行间的转换。-SERDES VHDL source code, you can achieve signal at between serial and parallel conversion.
- 矩阵的加法,减法和乘法 二元方程的解法 日期,可以输出N天前和N天后的年月日-Matrix addition, subtraction and multiplication two yuan Equation in date N days ago, and can output the years at N days
- This C++ codes are developed by Shin Yoshizawa at the MPII, Saarbruecken, Germany. The method is described in my paper "Free-form Skeleton-driven Mesh Deformations", Shin Yoshizawa, Alexander G. Belyaev, and Hans-Peter Seidel, ACM Solid Modeling 2003
- 电子书,综述了事务存储,事务存储是一种很有前途的并行编程模型-ABSTRACT The advent of multicore processors has renewed interest in the idea of incorporating transactions into the programming model used to write parallel programs. This approach, known as transactional memory,
- 同于PIC(particle-in-cell)仿真程序,是等离子体仿真计算程序。-The XOOPIC program is being developed under the auspices of the AFOSR. The physics is being developed here at UC Berkeley, while a GUI for the PC version of the program (OOPIC) is being developed at George Mas
- 基于VHDL语言,实现对ADC0809简单控制,ADC0809没有内部时钟,需外接10KHz~1290Hz的时钟信号,这里由FPGA的系 --统时钟(50MHz)经256分频得到clk1(195KHz)作为ADC0809转换工作时钟。 -Based on VHDL ADC0809 simple control, ADC0809 no internal clock, an external clock signal of 10KHz ~ 1290Hz here by the Departm
- 利用MPI实现的并行编程 多个进程同时实现的hello world程序-Hello world program implementation of MPI parallel programming multiple processes at the same time achieve
- Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically dele
- 本程序解决的问题是中期冲突探测的GPU加速问题。随着航空运输业的持续高速增长,空中交通流量日益增长、空域密度不断增加,使得飞机之间的碰撞风险大大增加,对飞行安全造成了严重威胁。为了保障空中交通安全,防止飞机发生危险接近甚至碰撞,冲突检测至关重要。但是,冲突检测的算法非常复杂,而且当某片空域密度过大时,会严重影响检测速度,从而丧失时效性,这时,CPU计算完全不能适应需求,引入GPU并行计算就很必要了。本试验中,经过cuda加速后,不仅能很好的解决目前国内空中管制的100条计划的要求,并且能大大提高
- scatter code forto MPI using at linux